Several MONICA partners will participate in the annual IoT Week which this year takes places in Geneva, Switzerland.
As a large-scale pilot, MONICA participates in a range of collaboration and coordination activities through the IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme which is structured around five large-scale pilots and the two support actions CREATE-IoT and U4IoT.
The purpose of the programme is to create synergy between the projects and foster the deployment of IoT solutions in Europe by integrating advanced IoT technologies across the value chain and demonstrating multiple IoT applications as close to real life as possible.
The daily coordination is carried out by eight activity groups, addressing topics of common interest. At the IoT Week, MONICA will join the other large-scale pilots in workshops and meetings arranged by the activity groups and the two support actions which function as linkages between the projects, supporting them in their work.
Events in which MONICA takes part include workshops on standardisation, user engagement, IoT accelerators and communication.